5 How to Cure an Ear Infection at Home

5 how to cure an ear infection at home - When experiencing an ear infection, not necessarily the main solution is the administration of antibiotics. There are natural remedies for ear infections that can even be done alone at home such as applying compresses to garlic.

However, still if the symptoms are severe enough, you should check the ear condition with an ENT specialist. Who knows, there are other issues that also need to be addressed.

5 How to Cure an Ear Infection at Home

Natural remedies for ear infections

There are many recommendations for natural remedies for ear infections. Some have been scientifically proven, others are just suggestions from one person to another. Below are some recommendations for natural remedies for ear infections, but you should still evaluate in advance whether they are suitable for the infection experienced.

So, what are the alternatives?

1. Ice cube pack

You can use special ice cube packs that are sold on the market or make your own. If you want to make your own, moisten a towel and put it in an airtight bag. Then, put in the freezer for 15 minutes until it freezes.

Apply this cold compress to the infected ear for 10-15 minutes. You can also try the variation between cold compresses and warm compresses. Indeed, this is not a cure for ear infections, but it can relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

But, never apply ice directly to the skin because it can cause tissue damage. Always wrap with a cloth or other barrier before attaching to the skin.

2. Warm compresses

Apply a warm compress or heating pad to the infected ear. Do not exceed 20 minutes each time applying. Also be sure to line with a towel, cloth, or other barrier to avoid burns.

The purpose of this warm compress is to promote blood circulation to the ear area. Just like ice cube packs, their function is not to cure infections. But at least it can relieve pain.

This method of natural medicine of ear infections is not recommended for babies and children. In addition, do not also bring warm compresses because of the risk of burns.

3. Painkillers

There are many options of painkillers that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Not only to relieve pain in the ears, sometimes also to lower the fever that accompanies ear infections.

However, distinguish the choice of painkillers for infants, children, and adults. The same goes for the dosage. Never give aspirin to children because it risks causing Reye's syndrome.

Meanwhile, for adults, drugs such as acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can be an option.

The dosage, type, and frequency of taking it depend on the type of drug, age, weight, as well as medical history. If in doubt, first consult a doctor.

This kind of medicine is quite effective in relieving pain and fever. It will not treat ear infections, but it can make patients feel more comfortable when the body is facing an infection.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

Typically, hydrogen peroxide is used in the form of over-the-counter ear drops. Its function is to remove excess earwax and prevent infection of the ear canal or swimmer's ear.

How to use it is:

  • Apply half of the ear dropper containing 3% hydrogen peroxide liquid into the ear
  • Wait until it removes the foam and hisses
  • Then tilt the head so that it can dry
  • Gently pull the top of the ear to help the fluid escape
  • Use a hairdryer to dry out the remaining moisture.

This method can help prevent the accumulation of earwax while keeping bacteria from entering the ear. That is, its function is more about prevention than handling.

However, this method cannot overcome inflammation of the middle ear because it cannot reach that deep. Make sure you already know very well how to use hydrogen peroxide. If there is a suspicion of a ruptured eardrum, avoid this way.

5. Bawang putih

Most ear infections can resolve on their own after a few days. Treatment at home as mentioned above can relieve symptoms and pain when the body is focused on fighting infections.

6. Garlic oil

In addition to crushed garlic, garlic oil also has similar properties. Just like hydrogen peroxide, it is strongly discouraged to use this method if there is a suspicion that the eardrum is ruptured.

Also remember that garlic oil can interact with several types of medications, especially blood thinners, HIV infections, and other supplements.

So, you should first consult a doctor before trying this method of natural treatment of ear infections.

In addition to some of the natural remedies above, there are also other recommendations such as ginger, tea tree oil, to apple vinegar. However, research is still limited and has not been scientifically proven to be able to treat ear infections.


Most ear infections can resolve on their own after a few days. Treatment at home as mentioned above can relieve symptoms and pain when the body is focused on fighting infections.

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